Every time we've vacuumed my house over the past month, my poor husband has had to completely take the vacuum apart to remove the clumps of hair that have wrapped around the rollers and burned the plastic. Each time I have washed or brushed my hair, there ended up being a huge pile of hair in the trash can. I kept thinking, how much more can I really lose without going bald???
After feeling depressed and throwing my own "pity party" while in California, I decided to chop about 5 inches off the length, in hopes that it would make things look a little healthier, and allow me to hide some of the gaping scalp that I've been seeing more and more of in the past several weeks. Realizing that it just didn't look that great still, I decided to go a bit more drastic in less than a week since my last haircut. My cousin, Heather, worked some serious magic last night, and I am feeling so much better now. I still have a very thin head of hair at the moment, but I think we've done a pretty good job of disguising it now. Here's hoping that the new stuff starts growing soon! I really don't want to have to buy a wig...

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