I have struggled a bit with committing myself to a regular exercise plan since having my surgery. I always want, and intend, to do more than I actually end up doing. Ever since I was much younger, I've never really found that "love" for being active, but I am slowly coming around, and have had many reasons to be inspired lately. All of my previous efforts at walking on my treadmill usually end after 2 miles and about 35+ minutes. Between my lower back, knees and hips hurting after much more, I generally just call it quits at that point. I decided to try using the sports compression shirt and capri pants that I got just before Orlando (but had not used yet). I got these because of all the extra skin I have that kind of gets in the way, making exercise a bit more of an ordeal than your average person. I had also gotten some new running shoes recently, that needed to be broken in. It was amazing to me how much more endurance I had this time around by having some better "gear" to keep me going. All-in-all, I completed 3.5 miles in 56 minutes at a 1% incline and 3.8 miles an hour. This isn't exactly "terrific" by anyone else's standards, but for me, it was a huge victory. In the end, that is what counts, because I'm really only competing against myself.
Eleven months ago at 353.6 pounds, there is not a chance in this world that I could have ever accomplished this, and I really am proud of myself. Although my hips are pretty sore right now, I feel energized, and want to do this again and again, and I know in time, it will eventually get easier. I may not always have a full hour to dedicate every day, but I'm pretty sure it's worth the adjustment in my schedule to feel healthy like this as often as I can. I know that if I can keep this up, there is no stopping me from achieving my ultimate weight loss goals. If all goes well, and I continue to drop my last 40 pounds or so, I'm hoping to have a bit of plastic surgery this Fall to get rid of the "bat wings" underneath my arms. That alone will make a huge difference in the way my clothes fit, and will also get me one step closer to looking on the outside like the way I'm beginning to feel on the inside... What a great journey this has been!!!
This is my most recent picture at 140 lbs. lost...

A Little Bit of Inspiration:
If ever you feel like giving up when life or challenges seem insurmountable, check this out for a bit of perspective... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QbgOGnbxDo
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