Friday, April 24, 2009

5 Days Post-Op & Feeling Great!!! (written on 7/18/8)

Today I graduated from 1 oz. broth & 1 oz. sugar free jello to 2 oz. of real food - I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!! I was getting incredibly bored with that little bit of the same thing for every meal. I am now able to eat 2 oz. of cottage cheese, yogurt, cream soup, string cheese, etc. for my meals, and it tastes soooooo good. I am now getting in my 64 oz. of water by sipping all day long. Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade and Sugar Free Kool-Aid are some of my new best friends, so all that water doesn't get too boring. In a couple more days, I will be able to eat soft deli meat and cheese, refried beans, canned meats, etc., plus a small amount of vegetables. I think this will help with the monotony.

This morning I was feeling really weak after I got in the shower. For some reason, the hot water made me feel nauseous, and I had to get out for a minute and sit down until the feeling passed. I don't like that I was feeling very weak, and was concerned that I'm not getting enough protein. I REALLY don't want to pass out somewhere if I feel like this again, so I sent an email with questions to the education director at my doctor's office. Since I'm following all of my post-surgery guidelines and getting more than enough water in, she agreed that I should get a snack or two in during the day, and suggested including nonfat milk or V-8 juice as part of my fluids for the day. I was soooo relieved, because I didn't want to do anything outside the rules, but you can also understand my concern...
Late this morning, my Aunt Shelley called to see if I'd like to get out of the house for a while. I said absolutely! We just went over to the new Sam's Club by my house, and walked around the entire store for over an hour. I was hoping I wouldn't get too exhausted since it was my first real outing since surgery, and I did just fine. I went through an entire 16.9 oz. bottle of water while I was there, and I'm sure that helped to keep my energy up. Anyway, I was grateful to break up my day with something new, and I'm glad the extra walking didn't wear me out (although I was glad to come home and sit in my recliner for a while).
I think things will be a little more smooth with my new foods in the coming week. This is definitely a learning curve, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I can already see and feel my clothes getting really loose, so I'm going to go through some smaller clothes over the weekend, and have those ready for when it's time to get rid of the big stuff I'm wearing right now (it shouldn't be long!) As for pain, I haven't had to take anything since Thursday morning, which I'm still surprised about, but very happy at the same time. I probably could have left the hospital after the 2nd day and not taken any more, and still have been fine. I just took a couple Percocet on Wednesday, then one on Thursday to make sure I was OK. I'm guessing I'm probably an unusual case, as far as the pain level goes, but I'm very encouraged by this. I'll post a little more over the weekend, after I've had a chance to graduate to a few more foods. We'll see how I tolerate everything...

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