Friday, April 24, 2009

5 Weeks Since Surgery... (written on 8/17/08)

Since going back to work, I've definitely had less time to post as often, but I don't want to forget any part of this journey, so I'm going to try to do better this week. For the past week and a half I've been battling a plateau and major issues with “regularity”. I finally made an appointment with my PCP on Friday, and he suggested Miralax. Thank goodness - it worked! I kept seeing the scale creep up 1/2 lb. each day I couldn't go, and it was making me so mad! I always get in my 64 oz. of water, and I'm trying to walk as much as I can. Hopefully, this week will be more normal in that department.

As for everything else, things are great. I have tried lots of new foods, and have still not had any problems. I do make sure to chew everything until it's basically mush before swallowing, so I'm sure that really helps things go down smoothly. I'm getting 60-65 grams of protein every day, even if I have to drink a whey protein shake as an evening snack after 3 regular meals, but I'm hoping that will help with the eventual hair loss that is to come in a couple of months. I'm also taking 5,000 mcg of biotin in the hopes that it will help with the same thing. Only time will tell... I'm also continuing to track all of my nutrition content on, and I'm getting between 550 - 700 calories a day. I just need to increase my exercise a bit more still.

So far, I've tolerated all meats, which I hear not everyone is able to do, so I'm grateful for that. I've had roast beef, chicken, pork chops, turkey, deli ham, carnitas, ground beef, tuna, etc. (all prepared by me, so I can calculate the proper nutrition content and keep things as healthy as possible). Beef definitely takes the longest to eat, and requires twice as much chewing, so I probabIy won't eat it quite as often as the others - it's just so much work to get it mushy enough to swallow! I also tried a piece of low carb whole grain bread this weekend from Great Harvest (a local bread bakery), and was able to eat a 1/2 small turkey & swiss sandwich with lettuce, tomato and pickle. It was heavenly!!! I know it may be a bit soon to be introducing bread, but I was kind of desperate to find something with a little extra natural fiber, considering my recent predicament... I have wondered recently if my pouch is really only 2 oz., because I don't really feel full after eating that amount, and can tolerate a little more. I hope I'm not pushing things, but I do take a very long time to eat, so that may be part of it. I'm still only 5 weeks out, so I need to be careful not to overdo it.

I've noticed that I don't feel like I need Crystal Light or S/F Kool-Aid quite as much lately, even though I did more so in the begining. Plain water is tasting better than it did a couple of weeks ago, so I'm glad for that. I've also noticed in the past several days that I am all of a sudden able to drink water much faster than even last week, which makes me happy. It used to be so incredibly hard to get in my full 64 oz., but I'd force myself to do it every day anyway. Now, it's not as big of a deal to do, and I can actually drink a 16.9 oz. bottle in 30 minutes, as opposed to 2 hours. It definitely makes it a lot easier to time meals at more normal intervals.

The other exciting thing is that I'm officially out of the size 30's, even though I've continued to wear them lately because they're loose and comfy. I can very easily button and zip a size 26/28 pair of jeans without a problem, and have even tried a couple of 24's with some success, depending on the cut. The only obstacle is my big tummy, but my top half is really starting to show some thinning. It's such an exciting process! Once I get on a more regular schedule of going to the gym at work, I'm sure it will speed things up a bit more. Even though I've lost 44 lbs so far, only 23 of it has been since surgery. That doesn't seem like a lot for 5 weeks out, but a nearly 2 week plateau can really slow things down. Hopefully, things will start moving more steadily this week...

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